"cat despre ziua aceea nu stiu nici ingerii din cerurii....ci numai Tatal"(Matei 24:36)

"cat despre ziua aceea nu stiu nici ingerii din cerurii....ci numai Tatal"(Matei 24:36)

miercuri, 7 iulie 2010

1. Command divine

Proclamation of the gospel of Christ and the fact that it won paote dinou life (1 Peter 3:15, Matthew 24:14 For the benefit )..................... some of what follows should not be too arrogant and have some interest for the kingdom of God, better to get a call to act, the further proclamation of the truth of God. It is also recommended to read the Scriptures and seek to intelegii but what is concerning the present tense (Daniel 12:9-10, 2 Timothy 3:1-5) It is not easy to live all his life by certain principles (divine standards behavior and behavior based on faith rather dezvoltatre the passing ability) but it is absolutely necessary to win a place in the kingdom of God, I refer to the right and duty of everyone to respect the laws of God written in the Holy Bible. "For love of God that we keep His commandments. And his commands are not burdensome "(1Ioan5: 3, Matthew 6:33).

2. Messajul truth (good news of the kingdom)

This message is only part of cerintaa belongs to Grace but is important to know and believe pentrun message had not been taken by surprise. It is important for each to hold relevant information about the cause encountered in the Universe on divine sovereignty and say "Who is the Pre High" and here I will refer to the fact that many people still do not know that Jehovah God is omnipotent and that the Satan left him for a limited time in order to dovedii supremacy. Satan, formerly Lucifer (Isaia14 :12-14, Ezechel28: 15) who was also his wisdom Dumezeu rebelled in Eden by the fact that the indemnta the limestone that is the only law atuncii maruluo consumption stopped and you never thought to stop razvrateli , making more atacurii against Dunezeu and triggering a part of Creation. He was removed from his position and even Lucifer was banished from heaven (Rev 12:7-9) and now has given the final battle of Armageddon in order to justify in front of other creatures in the universe and human face Jehovah is the Almighty and to destroy them all nelegiuiitii be nevazutii or vazutii. Orcum Satan is not much time but try to entail and less pregatitii people and make them enemies of God causing death eternal enmity with God and safe (James 4:7)

3. Endtime

Endtime is from 1914 up to Armageddon (the third or last world war to come to earth orcum want or do not want that so is the prophet). Living in the present tense is a great privilege, but it is certain that during the current evil in the world because high domestic darkness and evil generated by Satan the devil, enemy of this world, but the current time is the most beautiful and most important of all time yet, because the liberation of man through Christ is near. Study Bible prophecy is the most instructive and useful misloc use of time available yet. A God-fearing man will begin such a study with full confidence in discovering God's purpose and divine promises from hearing God's laws. You must also believe that Jesus is the only mislocitor between God and people.

It is difficult to realize that we live in the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-5) You will ask, why is it so? The answer to this question is found in Revelation 12, where it said: "Woe to you inhabitants of the earth ... For the Devil came down to you overwhelmed with anger because he knows he has little time." These were hard days Daniel and the prophets and Jesus and the apostles but see Aum as these days will be great "knowledge will increase" (Daniel 12:4), "The Gospel will reach the earth" (Matthew 24:14 ) and "live in the last days" (2 Peter 3: 3-4) but it gives another reason to proclaim the end credinciasii God and the kingdom and thus be placutii God and gain a more secure entry into kingdom. I refer here to join and who shall know the truth but only in old age by the Lord and to live life as they want and I tell them that God is not sure if they will consider or even one sincere gesture rather incurajej those who seek to progress in the time to know the truth and also not to be systematically lost that day

4. Divine promise (righteous deeds or pay for the right to life as the price and reward)

Thought Almighty God to give us eternal life at the right time and restore the earth a Government. (This government will lead to perfection the human and spiritual Creation as it will be based on people (that is flawless on spiritual or righteous fostiiprofetii siau not received yet the reward). As the universe created all that was so perfectly functional and earth and created man on earth, and if the man was wrong and needed a ransom for him by coming and paying the perfect man Jesus redemption of mankind through his life price (ie, all descendants of Adam who believe in the price already paid may be paid voar considerations righteous before Creator). right now to give all people willing to resurrection is a right "but each in turn fog of "the glory cereaca and some others here on earth, who raised the spiritual body are those who belong and those who raised a small herd of human body are those who will shape the new order on earth and will tend stream perfection in life eternal on earth (Ecclesiastes 3: 11)

5. Armageddon (end Interbase ticalositt system through divine trim)

I advise you to citeasti Bible, not to awaken the brink of Armageddon that is too late to get the credit intorcii. The Bible is the written word of God and is inspired by God Jehovah and, as such, is the book of law of God-fearing man orcărui. Reality of biblical prophecy must be compared with what happens to realize that you live in the last days will be worse, as in Sodom and Gomorrah,''When they throw gold in the streets. " 'And you will not know what to do on hearing cries of the sea "in the prophetic meaning of nations,''and they will die and will not," They say rock to cadets upon us, and rocks will not fall "" because everything is written is written before that happens, and we serve as examples new. Also showed that in Revelation is the beast allowed to amăjeasca, so as not to sell or buy one without the mark of the beast on their foreheads or their hands. "(Revelation 1:18 p.m.) and end on the day is given a new date on it but orcum alone will solve the problem of world order which is Jesus Christ and Satan will zdrobii sophisticated system of cheat (Matthew 24: 36) Satan took great care that the system of political, commercial and religious have many oportuniatii especially compromitatore constitution to diversify and produce damages to its highest nivelurii, especially where religious ways may be able to talk to an infection psychological and ethical hard to accept even a mathematician or physicist can understand that man is God of gods and the third is a soul destroying atotputenica formation also confused with orgies rituals produce social psychosis that integrates the absolute world without the religious psychic apsolut let a ray of hope to someone etenitatii. End of the World or Armageddon (Revelation 16:14,16) comes when the full power of the Lord Jesus Christ will be exerted in this direction by making and execution of nelegiuitii will correctly and eradicate evil than expected but will not be a day coming that you announced you hiding somewhere previously announced "When they say peace and quiet, an unexpected misfortune has come upon them as travail upon femenia pregnant (1 Thessalonians 5:3) Today's very strong science forward as the prophet Daniel predicted, so that each is aware of the end of the world but the crowd beliefs that truth is being hidden somewhere hard to find those abilities, "Many horses may seem good but man eventually leading to death "(Matthew 7:13 10:7,8 Provebe? Proverbe14: 12), but a path that leads to life there, because otherwise God would not right, but God is right because it is perfect (2 Timothy 6:16, Deuteronomy 32:4) The path that leads to life is going on Jehovah's Witnesses (Isaiah 43:10-12 Apocalips1: 5) provided that they comply with all of them forwarded the message of truth to the ends earth (Matthew 24:14). They will survive Armageddon because of divine intervention will build the new world after its completion. New World will be comprised of a new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1,) and the result promises (Isaiah 65 :17-25) will be a reality here in the land of. (Ecclesiastes 1:4, Revelation 20:9.10,13). May is again reminded that the sky is already restored and that Satan has nothing there and here on earth is limited power because of Christ who reigns in mislocul enemies but time will solve the problem decided wisely without touching the innocent, that there are people who probably do not want to die but still like the taste of the world and divine values and any neglijeaja covenant with God possible. The problem is if everyone deserves to be or not each of the Christ and if it can return quickly to do it lest he be rasgandeasca and to lose one.

6. Kingdom of God is the hope of the world

Immediately after the tribulation period which is very close, Christ, King of Justice, will begin to rebuild the world. justice will be established on earth but only after the end of the world or Armageddon.

Only when the Lord will end atuncii unjust rule that hit the world, justice will reign, as in Isaiah 26: 9, is expressed as follows: "When Thy judgments come true, the people of the world learn righteousness." One who is attentive to the divine ad, which goes back to Jehovah and is on his side, he can shout across one end and will receive receive the blessings God's kingdom.

Jehovah, with several hundred veacurii before coming in the flesh of Christ, made promise to Abraham: "In your seed all the families of the earth will be blessed." Christ the King, the legitimate ruler of this land is the promised seed, who came earth to redeem mankind by the payment of blood inperfectii perfect for us and now has to come beforehand to establish the promised Kingdom. While blessings will be granted when the human race has arrived. Listeners will be restored peace prosperotatea, happiness, freedom, health and eternal life, Christ's reign will not be wars because Christ is the Prince of Peace who will maintain an everlasting peace. Dirt but will not be, because God promised to give abundance to all listeners. Under its dominant disease even disappear because people will receive health and vigor. There will be no outcry, nor pain, because the great enemy, death will be destroyed. Those who will be subject to Christ will enjoy eternal life on earth.

Jehovah ordered the witnesses to his duty and responsibility to issue this warning message and hope. Jehovah's Witnesses also can not download this responsibility. And now also the message is proclaimed among the people, everyone must obey it and is responsible for the way they grab.

7. Some considerations on the belief that the hope of God's faithful

1. by faith and righteousness of the heart through the mouth confession is made unto salvation

Romani10: 10

2. you must believe in Christ (the faith and preaching rascumparare0 price to be approved and we confess to be saved.

3. Faith without works is dead

4. Faith once for all saints day (Iuda1: 3, 20., 1 Timothy 5: 12)

5. Faith is a faith in things not seen and is related to Hebrew from a bottom 11. (1 Timothy 1: 12)

6. Faith is one who considers himself celr they aSpiritul Spirit (Apoc13: 10, Titus 1:1)

7. For who is closer to him must believe this year he's looking to save those at

8. to have faith even as a grain of mustard to putetii to mutations mountains (MT17: 20, Luke 17:6)

9. Faith of the heart prefacatorii not hypocrites (1 Timothy 1:5, 2 Tim 1:5)

10. Cadets not the faith with which crimes will aseja man in the temple of God being given drepr God (2 Thessalonians 2: 3)

11. rugatiiva to primitii and will intaritt faith (Titus 1: 13, 2:2)

12. Traitii faith in each Zii (R-1: 13, 2 Cor 5: 7, Acts 6, 7)

13. The last thing you say intarutii and be brothers in faith (Gl 3:12; 1Tes 3:2, Tim 3: 5, R 1:12)

(If you think something's wrong and correct leave message)


8. Divide considerations teachings and beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses

1. first as the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" is the name that is under the new name (ApocalipsApocalips 2:17)

2. part of the organization are seen God guy (I'm still here and other compounds from sheep)

-Remnant is recorded as 144,000, or bride of Christ, or those with class members called celestial or heavenly temple or class or small flock

- Other sheep are consemantii as large crowds of people or a nation composed of many nations who washed their clothes in the blood of the lamb siau

3. cuvatul teaches that faith in the Bible is the basis of their dunmnezeu (not religious traditions)

4. INAVIC we live is a false pagan origin as sufetului immortality and worship objects called icons, cross or other forms of private worship in churches fallen divine favor.

5. not donate blood, ACCET not fornication, debauchery we do not tolerate or accept her stolen May 1 Modernist

6. do not take holidays (even the Sabbath as the Bible but not oligatii keep one Zii (commemorating the death of Mr Isusu Christ

7. are dispusii to talk to whoever in ANY social cvlasa (a state of PA president to the last man on the field

8. dress and behavior is required depending on event and situation

9. of the moderator must pocaiestii you? You hope for eternal life is immortal because you think you orcat stupid and you did not get another chance to scapii in times of trouble than the full approval of the Creator and by understanding the ransom price of Christ and participation in order to spread the teachings of divine life-giving. (a little concerted effort is made to scopuld have reason to fsii that is somewhat pleasing to God

10. amre which is the cause?

11. The biggest cause is that which refers to the fact that traiestii of divine grace and that you need to justify participial Jehovah's name (which is still ironing or slandered by some more putrin most pregetitii or the many still do not have a proper understanding the situation)

Thanks to anyone who has read this message (for other information lastii message for you to return)

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